Friday Favorites: Friday Humor

Friday, April 15, 2016

Super excited!
It's Friday!

Which means, another weekend is yet upon us.
And...they forecast the weather should be close to the 80's?!  
Say what?!  Really Oregon? Are you feeling ok?  We never get weather like this in April.
But....I'll take it!  And play in it!
And by play, I mean sit on my back deck sipping a Diet Coke. While the little one blows bubbles.

I had an amazing week!   In fact, so great, I woke up in a super good mood today!
Did anyone else have a great week too? [please say yes!]

In lieu of such great week, I thought I'd share some Friday humor with everyone! 

Not that I was waiting for Friday to show up...but it is a nice reminder that the weekend is closer than ever!

Yup, that's right.  Today is payday.  Which means, possible shopping this weekend?!  I've been needing some new Spring/Summer tops.  We'll see what this weekends allows time for. #MomIssueNo4582

This is me deciding what is most important to get done today before next Monday.  

Isn't this the truth?!

Seriously, who doesn't just love this little face of Michelle Tanner [yes, I know who it really is, but I see it as Michelle. Whatever].

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


  1. payday for me too!!! Whoo hooo!!!!! I need some spring tops too, and the boys need some new shoes so I think shopping is going to happen in our house as well. Happy weekend friend!

  2. Happy weekend to you too friend! Amen for shopping!!


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