Friday Favorites: Friday Humor

Friday, April 15, 2016

Super excited!
It's Friday!

Which means, another weekend is yet upon us.
And...they forecast the weather should be close to the 80's?!  
Say what?!  Really Oregon? Are you feeling ok?  We never get weather like this in April.
But....I'll take it!  And play in it!
And by play, I mean sit on my back deck sipping a Diet Coke. While the little one blows bubbles.

I had an amazing week!   In fact, so great, I woke up in a super good mood today!
Did anyone else have a great week too? [please say yes!]

In lieu of such great week, I thought I'd share some Friday humor with everyone! 

Not that I was waiting for Friday to show up...but it is a nice reminder that the weekend is closer than ever!

Yup, that's right.  Today is payday.  Which means, possible shopping this weekend?!  I've been needing some new Spring/Summer tops.  We'll see what this weekends allows time for. #MomIssueNo4582

This is me deciding what is most important to get done today before next Monday.  

Isn't this the truth?!

Seriously, who doesn't just love this little face of Michelle Tanner [yes, I know who it really is, but I see it as Michelle. Whatever].

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Confessional Thursday :: April 14

Thursday, April 14, 2016

It's that time again...time for another week of Confessional Thursday with Jessica at The Newly.

Weekending: Roadtrip and Sunshine

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hello again!

Monday again?!  Crazy.

10 On Tuesday | Gratitude

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hello friends!

Long time no posts, but I'm hoping to get back on a more regular posting schedule.

Last week was very stressful and emotionally draining. But I'm glad it's over and a new week is upon me.

I think, more often than not, we can get wrapped up in our day-to-day lives and forget what we have  to be thankful for.

Today I'll be linking up with Karli at Sept. Farm for 10 on Tuesday on 10 things I'm ever so grateful for.

Ready. Get set. Here goes..

[1] My daughter.  I know, I know, I know...isn't everyone grateful for their children?  I feel my daughter is my little saving Grace.  If it wasn't for her, I perhaps wouldn't be where I'm at today.  Am I where I thought I'd be? No way! But I do believe everything happens for a reason and I believe she was put in my life at just the right time.

[2] My family. I truly mean this too. I have the best, supportive family anyone could ever ask for. They've given me support, love, shelter...anything really to help me in times of need but also in the good times.  I couldn't have asked for a better family in life.

[3] Friends. Over the past 31 years of my life, I have developed some of the best friendships and bonds a girl could ever make.  I have friendships from elementary school, middle school, high school, college years, and co-workers.  Each of these people hold a special place in my heart.  Each of these friends have played a specific role in my life and I am ever so grateful for these friendships I've made over the many years.

[4] My pets. Just like my child, I love my fur-babies!  They are extremely stress relieving for me.  The fact that every time I walk through the door after coming home, they welcome me like it's the first time they've seen me. 

[5] Life's challenges. Life gives us all challenges.  I'm thankful for these challenges life has thrown my way to allow me to grow and think. They've made me the person I am, allowed me to figure out what I do and don't want in life, and where I'm headed.  Everything happens for a reason, right?!

[6] My job. I've been at my current position for 3 months now.  Yes, it's still new to me, but I can honestly say, I enjoy the work I do.  Not only is my job enjoyable and I get to work from home, but it allows me to provide for my daughter and I.  It's allowed me to provide a great, reliable vehicle, health insurance, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and shelter.

[7] Target. Seriously, can I get an AMEN on this one?  Target is now a one-stop shopping (for the most part).  Food, produce, kitty litter, makeup, pharmacy, clothes, shoes, cards, lightbulbs, picture frames, cleaning supplies, diapers, movies, TVs, toys, and kid clothes.  As a mom, it's the best place ever!  And if you're lucky...sometimes they have a Starbucks. Inside.  For convenience.

[8] Music. I swear, music mixed with sunshine, can be a super power and heal just about anything!  I love the fact that I can put on classical, rap, country, alternative, or's bound to make my day that much better!

[9] Dark chocolate. Good for the soul. Good for the heart. Good everything. Enough said.

[10] A good hair day. I think it goes without being said, a good hair day, can make an entire day that much more fabulous!  What's even better, a good makeup day.  It's like the inner confidence comes outs. #watchoutworld

What are you grateful for?  Share below!

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