5 Things That Make My Heart Happy

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


My most favorite month out of the whole year [it could be that it's my birth month and Valentine's day...just saying]!

I'm not your typical girl who loves all the romantic stuff that goes with love.
Don't get me wrong, I like the romantic things - there's other things that can totally win my heart.

I'll be linking up with Momfessionals for Show And Tell Tuesdays for things that make my heart feel full.


Hands down, one of the things in life that makes me feel so full!  I like love to laugh! Friends, family, Andrew, my little one...those are my absolute favorites to laugh with.  I love to be funny. I love to make jokes. I like to have a good time.

I can't hold a straight face most of the time.  I love laughing!

.C.O.F.F.E.E. & .N.O.T.E.S.

A for sure way to my heart...coffee. Delivered. I love surprise coffees.  For years, my dad did this when I worked and lived with him.  Now...Andrew has taken that task on.  And boy, does that make my heart just melt...[especially when it's ordered extra hot].


I am a huge fan of crafting and sewing....and nothing more makes me feel so loved than when I get time for myself to craft/sew!  It's been a hobby of mine for about 5 years now.
One day I decided, I wanted to teach myself to sew. And so I did. I sat down with my mom's sewing machine, picked up a few super easy patterns and some fabric [does anyone know what the feeling of buying new fabric is like?! HEAVEN]

Just a few items I've made that has really struck my creative side...

.C.A.T.S. & .D.O.G.S.

If you really want to know how to melt my heart to a huge pile of mush...animals. Namely cats and dogs.  I am a sucker through and through for these little furry friends.  If I could, I'd adopt way more cats and dogs. Buuut, I'm limited now. I've been cut off at 3 dogs and 1 cat...and now a child [lol].

These are my fur babies that make my heart skip a beat!  They each have their own individual personalities and are sweet in their own ways.


And last, but not least...
.D.A.T.E. .N.I.G.H.T.S.
I love my date nights with Andrew. It's adult time to get out of the house and just have 'us' time. 
Whether we go to downtown Portland to Portland City Grill or the local bar & grill in town it's bound for a fun time. 
Taco salad from Mojave (one of the locals)
Don't get me wrong...these things help make my heart happy, however my number one person that makes my heart extremely is my daughter!  She is my little sunshine in this thing I call life!

What makes your heart happy?  Share below!  
Happy Tuesday friends!


  1. Sweet baby girl!! And that's so sweet that Andrew writes you little notes!! Neal used to more often.. now I have to really hint at it. ha.

  2. Little love notes are the best!

  3. The coffee and notes thing is the best! Definitely makes me happy too!


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