Pre-Planning 2016 Goals: I Put the PRO in Productive!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

This last weekend was pretty productive.
[I put the pro in productive.  Oh wait...I put the pro in procrastination. Ha!]

Last Friday night I sat down with a pen in hand ready to put thoughts and notes together on paper.

I had been jotting notes down all last week of what it was I wanted over the next year and generally speaking, in life (aka long term goals).

It's been proven that if you write down, visualize and believe in what it is you want in life, you'll achieve it.
And no, I'm not specifically speaking about material items, but who we want to be in this world as well.

That's right, I'll be completing a 'vision' board!

Once I gather my goals and vision for my future, I'll lay it neatly out on a board - my "vision" [or dream] board.  I tend to take my time on these as I like them to be atheistically pleasing to me - especially if its something that will be seen on the daily.

What is a vision/dream board?  
It's a visual representation of everything- your dreams and goals - that you want to achieve/accomplish in your life.

I created one last year and loved it!
I remember designing [I say design because I took great interest in making that thing pretty last year] my vision board a little over a year ago.  I also put down those same goals/visions on index cards,  tucked them in my top dresser drawer, and would occasionally look at them. [I will admit, I didn't take last years vision board as serious or to the extent I should have #lessonslearned]

At the beginning of December, I found these index cards with my goals written on them.  One of them stood out to me like a sore thumb: EXCITING NEW CAREER.  Written on the front side of my pink index card.  I turned the card over.  I had listed some specifications of what I had envisioned this "exciting new career" to be last time I evaluated my goals.

The 'actual' card - wrinkles and all.
...and the "details".
Here's what was listed:
- A salaried position
- A base salary (specified exactly)
- Travel some
- Flexibility

At that moment, I began to think about what was happening in my life- I had been applying and interviewing for jobs in the prior months, so I knew something was bound to happen. But not just anything, the right fit.  It wasn't until the morning of December 8th, 2015 I received a job offer.  Say what?! Not just a job offer, but the job I had been wanting.

Looking back at the index card...I see how what I focused on, actually turned into reality.

It's a rewarding feeling knowing you've accomplished things that you envision happening in your life.

I've had a major down fall over the last 2 years, and 2016 is the year I want to start making changes - for life to be positive and things to start happening.

So for this task personally, I wrote down everything on index cards first [and of course, made it pretty].  I call this my pre-planning phase.  I hate to make mistakes and like everything to be if I mess up, or don't like something, I can throw the card away and start fresh.

[Everyone's thought process and goal process is completely different. What works for me, might not work for you, but find what does work and go from there.]

The 'current' focuses.

I like to visually see what my goals/vision are first, before I create my actual board.

On the backside of these cards, I like to write out specifics for each (just like I did above).
[I must be specific with your goals]

...and my 'long term' goals/visions.

Each of these cards represents an "area" in which I would like to improve/succeed/accomplish/etc.  All of these mean something to me and my journey in life.   I then will keep these cards in a ziplock baggie in my drawer where I will continue to review them. 

Keep in mind, I like to write out the 'overall' goal/vision on index cards first, write specifics for what that goal/vision entails, then take my notebook and write more details [it's been said, that if you write these things out, you make a better connection with your brain].

The notebook.

I like to add sayings to keep me motivated and focused.
Then when, all said and done, I will create my actual board that I will see on the daily. I will place this board in my room, as I will see it first thing when I wake up and the last thing when I go to sleep at night. Who knows...I may even place it on my computer background photo.

[Since I haven't created the board yet, I will create a post about the board and what went into it]

As the year(s) go on, I know things will get accomplished, something goals/visions will change, which is why I will constantly be updating this as the year(s) go on.  

Stay tuned for the vision board completion and presentation.

PS. If you have read the book or seen 'The Secret' on Netflix, I highly recommend it.  

What are some of your short or long term goals?  


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